How long will I be without my bathtub while getting my bahtub refinished ?

Answer The process, itself, takes about four-six hours. The new finish will be fully dried and usable in 12 hours. Compare that to going without your bathtub for a week or two weeks for a complete replacement. Plus don't forget that usually means that the whole bathroom is out of service for a whole week or two weeks. And all the noise and mess, talk about inconvenience. Bathtub Refinishing really is the $mart choice.

I see prices from $400 dollars to $700 dollars. Is there a difference in quality?

Answer Yes and No. Yes there are companies that do very reputable work, but usually not for $400 dollars. Be aware, not all refinishing companies use the same process and materials. A company charging a real cheap price may only be putting on a epoxy 1 step finish, which will not last at all. Or they may be using harsh acids to etch your tub which is a cheaper but more dangerous process. It can lead to failure and peeling. In this type of business you get what you pay for.

What kind of repairs can you do ?

Answer For bath fixtures, we can fix cracks, rust, scratches, dull spots, chips, pits and discoloration in the refinishing process. If your tiles have a few chips or cracks, they can be repaired or replaced and then reglazed over.

I have rust spots in my tub. Can this be repaired?

Answer Yes, but it cannot be guaranteed for further rusting. We do our best to prevent this but due to moister in areas under a tub such as a crawl space it may rust again in the future.

What should I do to prepare the bathroom before you arrive ?

Answer The shower doors or curtains need to be removed, all items in the shower area, counter tops, back of toilet, rugs, and any window treatments should be removed as well. Also, give your bathtub a good cleaning so that we can easily find any trouble spots. And lastly, please repair any drips or clogged drains.